Discipleship Huddles

Huddles Logo
A huddle is a recognizable part of almost any sport. It’s where the team comes together to go over two things – (1) the game situation and (2) the next play. Our Discipleship Huddles work the same way. It’s 6-10 people gathering regulary to ask two questions – (1) What is God saying? (2) What is He inviting me to do about it?

The foundation of faith is the Gospel – Jesus’ completed work to save us through His death and resurrection. That work is done and God loves you just as you are… and He also loves You too much to leave you there. In regards to the God’s Truth, the Bible says, “Whatever you have learned…heard…or seen – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:9).

Huddles meet through the school year (September through May). They meet for various modules that are generally three weeks each. Modules are such things as your Spiritual Gifts, a Family Mission Statement, Prayer, or a particular book/section of the Bible. Each module…in fact each meeting…has the goal of equipping participants to put their faith into practice. New participants can join a Huddle at the start of each module. On the fourth week, all Huddle participants meet together in the Sanctuary for a Celebraction. At this time, those who have been working on the “My Faith Story” module share all or portion of it. And we celebrate storylines of what God has been up to in each Huddle! For more information or to join a huddle, contact Pastor Joel at

Children Ministries

Our Ministry to Children Exists to Proclaim the Power and Mighty Wonders of the Lord to the Next Generation

St. Paul values children. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Our entire ministry is centered on this truth, from our preschool and elementary school, to Sunday school and Vacation Bible School (VBS) St. Paul invests in children.

We believe in the power of parental influence and the role of the church to support parents. By God’s design, parents are the primary teachers of the faith, and the greatest influence on children. The job of the church is to support parents in their role. We do this through our programs and people.

Sunday School

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Sunday School is a great opportunity for kids to gather with their peers under the instruction of caring adults to learn about Jesus. Think of Sunday School as the place where we teach the Bible, its stories and truths, and the home as the place where Biblical values and faith is lived out. So, at Sunday School kids learn about creation, and at home, they experience creation by playing outside, or going to the zoo with the family. At Sunday school kids learn about forgiveness and God’s grace, and at home they practice forgiveness and grace in the loving support of their families. For more information about Sunday School, contact Pastor Joel at

Bible Arrival

Everyone should have their own Bible, and learn how to read it. Our annual class we call “Bible Arrival” is a chance for 2nd graders on up, to learn about the Bible and then to receive their first Bible. This class is all about families as parents are included and they learn how to use the Bible in the home, and how to bless their children with God’s Word. For more information about Bible Arrival, contact Pastor Joel at

Vacation Bible School

Every summer, we take one week and go all out for children. Typically the first full week in June, our Vacation Bible school is for children 3 years-old up through rising 5th graders. By the time students hit 6th grade, they become part of the leadership team of VBS, and they start helping the next generation.

Middle School Ministry – Tribe

Sunday Mornings

Huddles Logo

Our Middle School Youth gather in the youth room on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for their own “Huddle”. Our Youth Ministry Huddle follows the same curriculum as the adult huddles, but we make it all our own, making connections to life, school, and family.


Confirmation logo

Confirmation is a rite of passage for 7th and 8th graders as they begin to take leadership in their own faith journey. This two-year program teachers the 6 chief parts of Luther’s small catechism and goes through the Bible. At the end of the program, young Christians will make a public profession of faith in the rite of Confirmation. For more information about Confirmation, please contact Pastor Joel at .


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Tribe is our Middle School Youth Group. Friday nights are tribe night. On various Friday’s throughout the year our Middle School Youth gather for a devotion, a snack, and some serious fun! Click here for the Tribe Schedule for 2021-22. For more information about Tribe, contact Pastor Joel at

High School Ministry – S.P.Y.

Sunday Mornings

Our High School Youth gather in the youth room on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for their own “Huddle”. Our Youth Ministry Huddle follows the same curriculum as the adult huddles, but we make it all our own, making connections to life, school, and family.


SPY logo

We call our High School Youth Group “SPY” – which stands for St. Paul Youth. We gather most Sunday evenings from 5 to 6:30 pm for a devotion, snack, and activity. SPY is a great way to stay connected with your friends, or to meet new friends. Click here for the SPY schedule for 2021-22. For more information about SPY, contact Pastor Joel at

National Youth Gathering

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Held every 3 years, the National Youth Gathering of the LCMS is a once in a lifetime event designs just for high school students. Imagine a 10-million dollar event designed just for you and your faith – that’s the NYG! The next National Youth Gathering will be in Houston, TX in July of 2022. If you are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Joel at ASAP.


Seniors logo
Our seniors’ ministry is called the Pioneers. They’re active in Bible study, service, friendship, and mutual support. In addition to being active in Worship, Huddles, Fellowship Events, and Service Roles, the Pioneers meet weekly on Thursdays.

1st Thursday at 10:00 am

Bible study in the Conference Room – both in-person and Zoom participants.

2nd Thursday at 11:30 am

Lunch together in a meeting room at an area restaurant.

3rd Thursday at 10:00 am

Bible study in the Conference Room – both in-person and Zoom participants.

4th Thursday at 11:00 am

Zoom meeting hosted by Pastor Mark includes visiting, devotion, study, and lots of smiles.

Worship With Us Each Sunday

8:30 AM

Traditional Worship
Liturgy | Robes | Organ

9:30 AM

Discipleship Hour
Huddles | Sunday School | Youth

10:45 AM

Contemporary Worship
Live Band | Casual

4:30 PM

Christmas Eve
December 24

6:00 PM

Christmas Eve
December 24

7:30 PM

Christmas Eve
December 24

10:00 AM

Christmas Day
December 25

10:00 AM

Single Service
December 29